Monday, June 24, 2013

Just a Few of Parker's Favorite Things...

As mentioned in the previous posts, there are a few things Parker really loves.  First, he loves diggers.  Second, he loves videos of himself.  Third, he loves wearing his big-boy underwear--and only his underwear.  Fourth, he loves books, especially the all-time classic, "Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site." 

Parker also loves donuts, singing, and being silly.

Lately, we've been taking a lot more videos of Parker (mostly because I just discovered how to do it on my phone).  One of my favorites features him reciting some of the words from this book.  We've obviously read it a few hundred times.

Another favorite Parker video was made in celebration of our cousin Erin Henry's wedding last weekend to Tyler Kimmons.  Since we couldn't be there in person, Parker decided that he would sing a song for them.  Unfortunately, his repertoire is somewhat limited, as is his attention-span.  You will notice a few more of his favorite things in this video.  Believe it or not, this was one of his best takes.

In writing this post, I realize I'm a little short on updates about Hudson.  Here is what Hudson has been up to.  I promise I'll have more to report next time!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Pee-Pee in the Potty

I'm a bit behind on updating the blog, particularly after giving everyone a sneak-peek into Parker's anticipated potty-training.  Well, it's been a week, and I'm happy to report that Parker now wears big-boy pants.  It's been quite a journey.

In starting the potty-training process (and in life generally), Richard and I decided that we wanted Parker to value our praises to him above any tangible prizes or treats. After all, our opinion should be all that matters to him, right?!?  We didn't want to have to bribe him endlessly for going to the bathroom.  Let's save bribery for the bigger ethical battles!

The first hurdle in potty-training was just getting his underwear on.  He hated them.  (Note: I did read a potty-training book, and kids usually like to wear cool-looking underwear...not Parker). He would kick and scream and lunge for his diapers.

After a cupcake, a popsicle, two stickers, and a racecar, we got the underpants on.

You can observe the racecar in his right hand. Parker wanted to show his underpants to the world, as our front door was wide open.  Our neighbors love us.

But after we got the underpants on, Parker was actually pretty darn good.  As long as he could get a prize from the "Jewel Box" everytime he went pee-pee in the potty, and as long as we sang and danced and gave him effusive praise, he loved going potty. Had you heard us, you would have thought he just won the superbowl or discovered nuclear fusion.

Parker's haul from Day 1 (excluding treats that were consumed immediately by him):

While Parker was mastering the potty, he decided that Brookey should do so as well. He peer-pressured her into wearing big-boy pants.

The rest is history.

*In the interest of historical accuracy, we never really believed the non-bribery route would work.

Happy Birthday Richard!

Yesterday we celebrated Richard's 29th Birthday.  Parker was very excited about the event, as demonstrated by his singing "Happy Birthday" to daddy ... all day long.  Here is a taste of one of his many renditions from yesterday (you'll have to turn the volume up, it's a little quiet):

We had a small dinner at Grammy and Grandpa's house, and Richard was thrilled about his presents--especially a new grill from my parents! Richard said he is officially a "man" now that he can barbeque steak outside.

 Not to be forgotten, poker-faced Hudson was thrilled, though showed his excitement on the inside:

Happy Birthday Richard!!!!